We are most proud of the app that we have built over the last 2 years! This is where we upload all of the information that you can use to get the most out of your plan!

The Intro Vids – guide you through how to use the app

The Food Diary – is where you’ll enter in your calories/macros each day and stick to your target

Recipes – Over 600 recipes are loaded onto the app all with step by step instructions and images of each meal. We have a range of breakfasts, high carb meals, low carb meals, snacks, vegan and vegetarian meals, soups, sauces and fakeaways!

Live Workouts – This section takes you to our facebook page with links to all of the live streamed classes. These are all saved so you can watch them back any time.

Strength Workouts – This is where our strength training programs will be uploaded – there are currently lots of options for you to choose from including upper body, lower body, combination and core workouts

Eating Tiles – These are quick image tiles of calorie target ideas. Including nutritious high protein meals mixed with quick grab and go treats, as well as doughnuts, pizza, gin and chocolate!

Latest Newsletters – You will receive 2 newsletters per week – Thursdays we send out “Knowledge Bombs” which are emails with a science/research based topic that will help you understand your relationship with food and exercise a little more.

Member Transformations – Our ‘Stripper Transformations” showing you the amazing results from other members following the program.

Cookery Videos – Short 1 min TikTok videos of some of our most popular recipes

Monthly Challenge – Each month there will be a challenge/focus for example our May Challenge was all about 5min meals and movement.